
- SERIES No. 5

Recruiting and Retaining Workers in Recovery

June 10th - 17th - 24th

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM [Each Wednesday]

Virtual Series

This Industry Summit Series will be held in 3 Zoom meetings. Registration is free and includes all three sessions. Sponsored by Southern Tier 8 and ARC.




This educational series is designed to introduce the supportive Recovery-to-Work ecosystem in New York State’s Southern Tier to assist employers as they expand job opportunities for highly qualified workers experiencing Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Each session is designed to address different, yet critical aspects of employment and SUD. Incentives and programs available to assist Southern Tier employers, legal issues of hiring workers in recovery, and support services such as transportation and other barriers to employment.


Small businesses (owners, managers and HR directors), other non-profits, elected officials, treatment professionals, SUD professionals, NYS providers, workforce development and staffing/placement professionals.


As businesses return to work following the COVID-19 pandemic, having qualified, trained, and healthy workers is essential to the success of each business and the entire Southern Tier.



      This event is being sponsored by Southern Tier 8 Regional Board, with support provided by the Appalachian Regional Commission and special assistance from our colleagues at Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness in Washington, DC.

      • Regional Recovery Ecosystem Support

        June 17th
        SESSION 1 : June 17th 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

        This second session in the Recovery to Work series explores strategies to successfully retain workers in recovery. Sensitive topics such as how to begin a conversation with employees, and factual information demonstrating the assistance available


        Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

        • Identify barriers to successful employment for people in recovery from substance use disorder.
        • Identify agencies and organizations that can assist people in recovery while they are seeking to attain or sustain employment. 


        • Angela Sullivan, MPA, MAIR, Executive Director, Alcohol and Drug Council of Tompkins County, Inc. – How to Start a Conversation with Employees Who Might Need Assistance
        • Lisa Hoeschele, Executive Director & CEO, Family Counseling Services of Cortland County,  Inc. - Treatment and Support Options and Agencies in the Southern Tier
        • Bob Murphy, Executive Director, Broome-Tioga Workforce New York - Workforce Development and Placement Assistance
        • Bill Wagner, Director, Getthere Mobility Management Programs, Rural Health Network of SCNY – Transportation Barriers Removed
      • Employer Incentives and Successful Hiring Practices

        June 24th
        SESSION 2 : June 24th 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

        This session addresses many critical aspects of hiring workers in recovery, including tax incentives, legal issues, and hearing successful first-hand experiences from an employer and employee. 


        Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

        • Understand employer rights and responsibilities when engaging with individuals in recovery who fall under the auspices of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 
        • Identify the people in recovery from Substance Use Disorder who qualify for the OASAS Recovery Tax Credit Program.  


        • Hiring people in recovery: Dawn Lanouette, Esq, SHRM-SCP, Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP
        • Legal Issues of hiring and retaining employees in recovery: Dawn Lanouette, Esq, SHRM-SCP, Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP
        • Success in Careers: Nicki Rowe, SAP Manager, Chobani
        • Recovery Tax Credit Program: George Slilaty, Managing Partner at FocusedFood Innovations LLC
      • Substance Use Disorder in the Workplace: Engaging Your Compassion

        June 10th
        SESSION 3 : June 10th 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

        This session is designed to offer an introduction and overview of Substance Use Disorders in the Southern Tier, create a recovery-friendly and supportive work environment, and to explore different aspects of the workplace. By being aware of these


        Upon completion of this session will be able to:

        • Demonstrate an increased understanding of Substance Use Disorders and their potential impacts on the workplace. 
        • Identify the difference between stigmatizing language and supportive language as it relates to substance use.


        • Introduction to the Ecosystem Program: Marty Romitti, PhD,Senior Vice President, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness & Jen Gregory, Executive Director, Southern Tier 8 Regional Board (why this is important)
        • Moderation & Process: Tom Kowalik, PhD, President, Kowalik & Associates Management Consultants
        • The Science of Addiction: Dr. Julie Dostal, Executive Director, LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions
        • Creating a Recovery-Friendly Workplace View Jessica Vecchione’s new film, “A Slice of Hope: Recovery Friendly Employment” and developing a recovery friendly workplace Comments:  Barbara Ann Heegan, CEO, Otsego County Chamber of Commerce
        • Discussion about how to use supportive language: Alexis Pleus, Executive Director, Truth Pharm
        • Q&A with participants
      Event session details coming soon.